Chronic constipation treatment without the laxative. Lactobacillus supplement will cure you!

Chronic constipation treatment without the laxative. Lactobacillus supplement will cure you!

This article is about constipation. Modern people say there are too many people with constipation. I don't know the exact number of people who have constipation in the population. But most people can not easily shit. I will write about the causes of constipation and the limits of treatment in the hospital. And I will write what happens if you get constipated and I'll write about how you can perfectly treat your constipation without having to take the medicine. From my wxperience, you may find it easier to understand constipation.

Now my condition is the best. There are no constipation and no other diseases. And the discomfort that I had until recently is gradually decreasing. I used to have constipation in the past. Of course, it was so bad that I could not shit for a week, but I had to go to the bathroom and sit on the toilet for a long time. And even though I sat for a long time, the stool did not come out well and I was uncomfortable because of the residual feeling. In fact, most people feel uncomfortable about this feeling, but they do not think it is a disease. People who have too much constipation will not be able to solve it themselves, so they will take medicines that solve constipation. How was it you? Did you resolve constipation symptoms after taking a laxative? Obviously, at first it seemed to treat some constipation symptoms, but over time it would have been the same or worse. Your constipation symptoms are never cured by laxatives. Rather, it will only make your symptoms worse. I had never even recognized that I had constipation. I had a long period of suffering from constipation, so I thought it was hard work to shit. But when I talked to people, I became aware that my body was wrong. Other people may also be.

It is most important to realize that laxatives can not cure your constipation if you get tired of being constipated. There is nothing good to eat laxatives. It is because it does not come out smoothly. We humans have to have a healthy stool every day. It should be cool. That is normal. I briefly introduced what constipation is. Now I will write about the cause of constipation.

Do you know the cause of constipation? Someone who reads this article knows the cause of constipation, and some people do not. If you know what causes constipation, treatment of constipation is easy. So it is important to know the cause of constipation.

People living in less developed countries, or few decades ago, had few constipated patients. But do you know now that most people you meet are constipated? What does it mean? The more the society develops and the better the living, the more likely it is that the symptoms of constipation will occur. What is different between a developed society and a less developed society? The most important difference is that the food is different. People who do not have a lot of money are hard to eat meat often. So they eat home-grown vegetables. But as the income increases, the food changes little by little. They are starting to eat more meat and eat the processed foods sold at the mart. People are changing from a healthy diet to a tasty diet as they get richer. A healthy diet is a healthy diet. 

A healthy diet keeps your body healthy. A delicious diet has a different concept. It is good to have a good taste and healthy food, but there are many diets that harm the health of the body instead of good taste. It does not mean that the meat itself is bad. Eating too much meat and eating too often will cause problems. Constipation occurs when you often eat processed foods produced in factories. These foods are the fundamental cause of constipation. In fact, the treatment of constipation is simple. You do not have to think complicatedly. You can reduce the intake of bad foods that are not good for your body. And also reduce meat intake, eating lots of fresh vegetables from nature, constipation just disappears. But people do not do that. I want to continue to eat good food and constipation is also a problem because I want to cure. I will find information on how to eat good food and how to get rid of constipation.

The most obvious and good way to treat constipation is to eat lots of natural foods. I will write about specific methods for treating constipation below. Now I will see how constipation affects our bodies. It is because the environment of the colonel is changed that the shit does not come out from the body well. If you continue to eat foods that are not good for your body, the environment of the small intestine and the colon becomes bad. This means that the environment of the colon changes, which means that the microorganism composition ratio in the intestines is changed. In the intestines, the cells that constitute a human body are said to be 100 trillion cells, and the bacteria living in the intestines are said to be 1,000 trillion cells. It is a huge number. This microorganism (bacterium) has a normal rate determined by nature. The fact that there is a normal ratio means that it becomes abnormal when it goes out of the normal ratio, and from this time, various symptoms that are uncomfortable to the body occur or it becomes ill. So we have to live a normal rate of microbial composition.

I will explain what the normal rate of the microorganism is. Among 1 trillion microorganisms, there are useful bacteria that do good work directly to our body and harmful bacteria which do bad things to our body.  And there are intermediate bacteria which are not beneficial and not harmful in themselves. When healthy, microbial composition ratio maintains a ratio of 85% of beneficial bacteria: 15% of harmful bacteria. This condition is called bacteriodesis. However, when it is abnormal, 25% of beneficial bacteria and 75% of harmful bacteria are present. This state is called permits. The above number is the most ideal number. The percentage of each person can vary slightly. The normal value does not necessarily mean that 85:15 should be maintained. It would be better to keep this range and to have more beneficial bacteria than harmful bacteria. The steady state maintains 25% of beneficial bacteria, 60% of intermediate bacteria and 15% of harmful bacteria.

When the body is normal, the middle bacteria are attached to the side of the beneficial bacteria and these act like the beneficial bacteria. However, if you continue to eat bad food, the middle bacteria are attached to the side of harmful bacteria, behave like harmful bacteria, and the total harmful bacteria is increased to more than 75%. This change in numbers is very important in our body health. In fact, if the number of beneficial bacteria in the large intestine is reduced, it means that beneficial bacteria do not work well for the body they need to do every day. Let's imagine that the beneficial bacteria decrease and the harmful bacteria increase only. The harmful bacteria do not do good things to the body. It gives pain to the body. They act only as they wish. It does not have the physiological function necessary for the body. One of the beneficial bacterial effects is the action that makes the stool easy to come out. Beneficial bacteria living in the large intestine work hard so that the stool is easy to come out. However, if there are not many useful bacteria and only harmful bacteria are present, the stool will not come out well. Rather, they only do a lot of bad things. Described the rough process of constipation occurs.

What if constipation occurs? When constipation occurs, the stool will stay longer in the large intestine. The stool should be discharged out of the body as soon as possible. Because the stool is the remaining residue after the food is absorbed from the body, but the stool contains a lot of toxic substances that harm the body. In the case of healthy people, stools do not stay long in the large intestine. For people with constipation, stools stay in the large intestine for a long time, and toxic substances in the feces are absorbed through the colon mucosa. The toxic substances go to the liver and make the liver tired or circulate in blood vessels and enter the various organs. It can cause headaches and cause skin diseases such as urticaria and atopic dermatitis. Does not it make sense now? You will now understand why constipation patients have a lot of pores and acne on their faces. People with acne-like inflammation on their face or body's skin will be treated after the constipation is cured.

If you do not cure constipation for a long time, your body starts to get serious illness. There is a disease that does not know the cause, and no matter how many tests are done in the hospital, no one can find out the cause. Doctors in the hospital have Crohn 's disease of unknown etiology and a disease of Behcet' s disease. Chronic fatigue can occur, and in many organs, poisoning of the stool causes inflammation of the cells, and organs can be scarred and inflamed. Then the organs gradually decline in their inherent functions, and later the cells of each organ are destroyed and the organs stop functioning. Then the human body experiences tremendous pain. It can get Parkinson's disease and it can cause various kinds of cancer. Constipation is the most direct cause of all diseases. So constipation is not simply an uncomfortable symptom. As soon as constipation begins, you should be treated immediately.

I will show you how to treat constipation perfectly. Above I told you to eat natural foods and stop eating processed foods. The first of all treatments is to block the cause of the disease. No matter how hard it is to treat without blocking the cause of the disease, it is not completely cured because the cause continues to be supplied. However, if you continue to eat bad food, but at the same time release a large amount of bad substances in your body, it will be less harmful. This is true. If you continue to eat bad foods, you should try to get rid of the bad toxins that have come into your body more actively.

And you should eat food that restores the microbial composition in the small intestine and colon. The food that makes the microbial composition ratio normal is fermented food. Fermented food is both the food of the good microorganisms that live in your body and the microorganism itself. So you have to eat fermented food continuously. If you have mild symptoms of constipation, eat regular fermented food, constipation is treated immediately. However, if your constipation symptoms are severe or persistent for a long time, it may not be enough to eat only regular fermented foods. You have to eat very strong specially developed fermented food.

If you have such a strong fermented food but your constipation is not healing, you need to eat fermented food that has been specifically studied and developed. Fermented food in the first generation is lactic acid bacteria. This food is somewhat effective, but it has limitations. Fermented foods studied due to the limitations of the first generation lactic acid bacteria are second-generation prebiotics and probiotics. The second generation lactic acid bacteria will be covered in another article. The second-generation Lactobacillus can effectively cure your disease. However, there are many people who can not be treated with second-generation Lactobacillus. The food developed for them is synbiotics, and the latest technology developed recently is microbiome. If no treatment is available, it is recommended to eat microbiome lactic acid bacteria immediately. It will be the most obvious constipation treatment food. Even cancer will disappear and you will realize that diabetes or hypertension is slowly being cured.

The process and principles of treating these incurable diseases will be discussed in the next article.

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