My experience, absurd reason for catching a cold

Absurd reason for catching a cold, my experience

I had a cold a few days ago. I usually avoid colds well before I get a cold because I am so healthy that I have no reason to catch a cold and I know why people get a cold. However, a cold is a disease that can easily be taken at any time. It looks like a disease that is so common. I tried my best to avoid getting cold before I had a cold this time. But in the end, I got a cold. I have a cold this time, but the cold is not severe. It is just a little inconvenient. The body seems to have a hard time if it is a little uncomfortable. I used to have a cold in the past and it was very hard. The whole body got hot and the temperature got higher so I had to lie all day. I had very severe bronchitis and very severe rhinitis, so I had a runny nose all day and my nose blocked. But this time, my cold symptoms are not that severe. The symptoms that appear when I get a cold are on my body, but the cold is not severe. The reason for this slight cold is that I felt a cold coming before I got a cold and tried to avoid getting caught a cold.

Actually, I do not get a cold these days, but even if I get a cold, I do not get a bad cold and my body does not hurt much. The uncomfortable symptoms are not that hard. I thought of the reason for this slight cold. Why am I getting a mild cold these days? Long ago, I had a hard time catching a cold. The reason I have a slight cold recently is that I usually manage my health well. I am eating a lot of good food nowadays. Try to avoid food containing synthetic chemicals. There are many foods containing synthetic chemicals in the present era. But most people do not seem to be very vigilant about these foods. People eat such foods without any hesitation, knowing that they have no problems with their bodies. But eating these foods once or twice does not mean you are sick or ill. And it does not mean that your body is rapidly weakened by steadily eating such bad foods. So people can not easily see that these foods are bad for the body. In fact, if you eat these foods, your body will show symptoms, but you will not take it seriously.

I usually try not to eat food containing these synthetic chemicals additives and try to eat unprocessed food from nature. Because of my efforts, I do not get a cold, I do not get sick even if I get a cold. I hope everyone who reads this article will act like me. If you have frequent colds, you should always eat good natural foods. If you take a cold and it 's too hard, I want you to eat a lot of good food. Doing so will make you much healthier and less likely to catch a cold, or even if you get a cold, your cold symptoms will be mild

From now on, I will write about the causes of colds. I think that there are many reasons for being caught in a cold. And I want to tell you that the cause of the cold that many people are talking about may be the result, not the cause of the cold. A cold does not get caught without luck. I say that it is not cold because I have no luck, but I used to think that in the past I had a cold without luck. So knowing the knowledge and information about health and disease, you know exactly about the disease. The more accurate information we have, the more comfortable our lives become. I used to catch a cold too often. And when I got a cold, I was so sick. So I could not move for a few days. But now my condition is different from the past. I do not get a cold right now. If I get a cold, it gets mild and gets cured right away. I think the most important reason why my physical condition has changed is that I know a lot of information about the disease. If you have a hard time because of illness, please let me know by comment. I will do my best to let you know what I know.

I will tell you the cause of the cold I learned through my experience and study. First, this time I want to tell you why I got a cold. There are many causes of colds. There are various causes, various causes are taken independently, and cold causes are caused by various causes. The reason I got a cold this time is hard to understand. Almost everyone will never know that this is the cause of a cold, and if I tell them one cause they will not understand. The reason I got a cold this time is because I ate food that is good for my body. Is not it hard to understand? But it is true. I often ate this kind of food that works well for my body. But I was surprised. It is the first time in my life that I can not imagine that eating food that is good for health and getting a cold rather. Then why did the healthy food cause me a cold? I try to logically explain why.

In fact, the food that was said to be good for the body was not the original food. It was a new product that made the food taste good for children to eat well. I have been eating this food since before and ate 6 a day. So I ate the food without any warning. In fact, I did not think that this new food was good at first when I ate it. As soon as I ate, it tasted so good. So I thought this new product was a failure. The taste was too sweet, but I was not very alert. Because it is good food for the body, there was no need to be alert. I got about 20 of these foods and I ate 6 for the day the next day as usual. However, after eating six, my throat began to hurt, and from that time I started getting cold. This is why I got a cold this time. A new product of good food for the body was the cause of the cold. Keep in mind that the healthful food was the cause of the cold, but it was not the food itself, but the new product of the food.

I think it was the sweet additive of the food that made the children delicious to eat a lot.

The sweet additive in the health food, not the health food itself, would have overstimulated my mucous membrane, resulting in a wound in the mucous membrane that led to the germs getting into the wound of my mucous membrane and from then on I had a cold. I have known for a long time that this additive to food stimulates the mucous membrane of our body and causes colds. But this time, I first noticed that good health foods can cause me a cold. I want to remember that I ate the health food this time and had a cold. I will write this article to remember because there is a possibility of this again later.

In fact, I think that there is a case in which a person catches a cold after eating some food. I have had that occasion many times. Especially when I had a cold after eating sweet candy, how can I remember the fact that I ate candy and got a cold? I used to eat candy sometimes. The sweetness of candy is so sweet that people seem addicted to their sweet taste. Once I have eaten, I want to eat again, so I keep eating candy without knowing it. Not only candy. If other foods taste, I continue to eat. I used to eat a few candies in succession. But after that, I had a sore throat, and I had suffered from a cold for a few days because of a cold. After experiencing it, I hypothesized that candy could be the cause of a cold, and I experimented directly with candy. I realized that when I eat several candies in a row, I get a cold. Not only candies but also foods such as sweets and caramels. I realized through the experiment that these foods harm human health in this way, and since then I have not even eaten food like candy.

In this article, I pointed out foods harmful to the body as a cause of the cold. My writing is only a small part of the cause of the cold. There are many causes of colds that take up a much larger portion. I want to share that information with you about what causes the cold. In the next article, I will continue to write about what causes the cold.

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