Treat your cancer without surgery! The natural cancer treatment center is you

Treat your cancer without surgery! The natural cancer treatment center is you.

Let me know you how to cure your cancer completely without surgery....

Nowadays, there are a lot of cancer patients. In the 1960s and 1970s, there were few cancer patients. There were few people with diabetes. But now there are a lot of cancer patients, diabetics, hypertension patients in the hospital room. There have been a lot of illnesses that have not been much before. It took about 30 to 40 years for refractory chronic diseases to increase in number? Maybe it was faster than that.

Why are there so many people in these sicknesses now? There are many reasons for this. Now the environment is too hard to live. People have to work overtime and do a lot of work. They are under a lot of stress. 
And environmental pollution is severe. Car fumes pollute the atmosphere, and there are a lot of foods that we should not eat. Too much chemical additives in food. This kind of food should not actually be eaten. I do not understand why the factory puts additives in processed foods. The government should prevent these chemical additives from being put in, but rather encourage the government to add chemical additives. So people who buy a lot of these foods from Mart have a very high chance of getting cancer.

And the water is not clean either. Drinking any kind of water will cure the disease. If you continue drinking certain water, you may get cancer or hypertension. Can we easily recognize these causes? When we eat these foods that look very pretty and delicious, we actually get sick, and we eat because it looks so delicious. When bad food enters our body and is digested, toxins enter our cells.

Our mouths like these foods very much, but our body cells hate these foods. When these foods are absorbed in the stomach and small intestine, the chemical additive that enters the body through the food hurts them, and the cells spew chemicals. It seems that inflammation occurs in the process of spitting. But once, twice this will not be a problem. Cells have the ability to heal themselves, so if you eat bad food for a day or two, you will not have any problems. You eat this bad food today, eat tomorrow, eat one month, all year. You have been eating bad food for 10 years and 20 years. You do not stop eating this food. You would have been addicted to the taste. Since humans continue to eat food that they should not eat, the cells are constantly subjected to abuse.

So what happens? There are many causes of illness, the biggest cause of which is inflammation. 
I briefly explained the cause of the inflammation above. This inflammation does not disappear and continues to occur. When the phenomenon of being treated is repeated, the cell can no longer bear it. From then on, it starts to change into cancer cells. When a gene in a nucleus in a cell is mutated, when the cell divides and a new cell is created, the new cell becomes a cancer cell. After the cells have finished functioning, they have to break down through cell suicide and get out of the body. This cancer cell does not die. Cells do not die, but they continue to grow in size and grow constantly. This is the terrible thing about cancer cells.


Let's assume that the organs in our body, for example, the stomach, have cancer. Then the cells of the stomach will grow constantly. As the cell grows without stopping, the size of the cell grows. As the cell grows, the stomach ruptures and invades the adjacent organs. There is no pain in the beginning. You do not feel it until the stomach cancer cells invade the side organs. You will  feel so after the stomach or other cancer has progressed a lot. So, for the purpose of finding and treating cancer early, you are undergoing a medical checkup. However, early detection and cancer treatment will not solve your illness. It is much more important to live a life that does not make cancer from scratch. I have told you that these foods are the cause of cancer. My words are somewhat conceptual, but certainly for this cause people are suffering from cancer.

Even if you look at this article, it will be hard to stop eating those foods that you like. In fact, too much synthetic chemical seasoning comes into our bodies through the food we eat. The amount of chemical seasoning you eat per day may be very small. But how much does it take to add up to one year's worth of daily eating? Maybe at least the amount of two bags of sugar? This is a real phenomenon. It would be rather strange if you do not get cancer in this situation.

People eat pills when they are sick. When you go to the hospital, doctors prescribe medicine. But do you know that the medicine we eat does not help at all? You may be surprised if you know that fact, but our body is not cured by pharmacies. Rather, it has only side effects. The illness seems to have been cured, but in fact it only acts to slow down the function of the body in order to suppress the inconvenience. So what do you think?

When you take a lot of medicine, your body gets weaker and the disease gets worse. Drugs are not natural substances. It is a synthetic chemical. If so, the medicine I described above is almost the same as the synthetic chemical additives in the food. So it is very dangerous. I continued writing about cancer in the previous article.

I told you to refuse cancer surgery. Why? Hospital doctors do not treat the cause and only see symptoms. The treatment methods of doctors cause the diseases to not be treated. When the cancer is abstained, the disease itself is hidden. We can not see and feel the progress of the disease because we eliminate the reality that shows the phenomenon caused by disease. It does not cure, it even hurts healthy cells. There are no organs in our body that we do not need. Even the smallest parts are necessary.

But what about the current treatment in the hospital? Doctors can remove organs in the body to get rid of cancer. They only see symptoms of cancer. They do not think what a cancer is in a person's body. They do not think about the cause of cancer in the body. They think cancer is the cause and the result. Doctors seem to know that when the cancer itself is gone, the body is cured. You should not think so. Of course, not all doctors think so. But it is not true. Do not get rid of cancer that way. Maybe the cancer that happens to our body is due to need. I mean cancer is a necessary thing. Of course, the cancer hurts us and makes us uncomfortable, but there is a reason why cancer inevitably occurred in our lives.


Even if the cancer is cut easily, the cancer does not completely disappear and the body is not cured. If cancer disappears right now, cancer will come out after a little while. It is because the body continues to develop cancer anyway. Would you take that operation? If I were a doctor, I would never recommend such surgery. One thing that you know about this today is to keep your life. It is to protect the life and health of your family.

Of course you have to choose. No matter how I tell you not to undergo cancer surgery, your choice is what you do. What do you need to make a choice? You need to know a lot of accurate knowledge. The knowledge is the basis for us to make the right choices. The work of the world is precisely carried out when the standard is taken precisely. If the criteria are not set, nothing happens. If you have read this article, try to set an accurate standard from now on. The way to establish precise standards is to get information. Of course, you may misunderstand misinformation as correct information while you study. Or you may think the right information is incorrect.

So let me tell you one of the most important ways of getting information. Let me give you an example.

You read a book about cancer. You got the information through the book. But you still do not know if the information is correct or not. Do not think that you read only one book and know the correct answer. That's why you need to get a book about another cancer. Two books will say something similar. But the two books will speak differently. If you read two volumes, you can compare them. You have to judge which books speak the truth and which books speak the lies. But yet you have only read two books. You have to read another book about cancer. Another book will tell a similar story. But this book can tell you about other things you did not know about. The third book you read might contain information you did not read in the first book you read, and it might talk about a similar story, but a completely different perspective. I showed you an example, you need this process to get the correct information.

You should not listen to one person. If possible, listen to two people, three people, and several people. This is also virtually insufficient. So you have to read more books. You should read about 20 books and about 30 books about cancer. So what happens to you? You may be an expert in cancer. You will have the power to tell which words are wrong and which words are correct. It is not because you are an expert. Of course, because you've read a lot of books, your knowledge will be professional. As you read dozens of books, you will see what they have in common. You can reasonably agree on those words. You need to be able to discover logical processes in the information. The information you get in this way, that information, will be the right information for you. Of course, that is not perfect either. But at the very least, it will help you establish a safer and more accurate standard. Write down the information you have learned, not just your thoughts. Various standards and precise standards will save you and your family.

Cancer should not be surgically removed. I have also spoken above, but the cancer is due to the need for our body. If cancer does not occur, our body is instantly dead, and cancer is created to save our body. Have you been surprised to hear what you never imagined? Cancer and other diseases that occur in our bodies are all reactions to adapt our lives. Diseases actually mean a phenomenon to save our bodies. If you read this, you must remember this. Then you do not need to undergo cancer surgery. If you remove cancer by cancer surgery, you are eliminating the condition that was saving your body. It was cancer that saved your body. Cancer is a kind of garbage in your body. What if there is no trash in the room? The trash is all over the place and the room gets messy. The room will be dirty. The trash can itself is dirty, but is there anyone who removes it from the room because it is dirty? If you do not have a garbage can, there is no place to throw garbage in your home. You just have to throw garbage on the floor. Or you should throw away the garbage outside the house. How uncomfortable?

Cancer is like this. You have to get rid of the cancer, but before you do it, you have to live a life without garbage in your body. The trash is toxins. I said that we eat poison every day, in fact, the situation nowadays is that even if we eat good food, that good food becomes toxin in our body. I will write in another article how good food is poisoned from our bodies. When we eat toxic substances, what about those toxins in our bodies? From now on, live a life of rejecting toxins.

In the next article, we will see what is the poison in our lives. Then, fundamentally, there is less reason for cancer in your body. And if cancer has already occurred, plan to renew your life. It will take a long time and the way to get rid of cancer is complicated and difficult, but this is the fastest and most complete way to cure cancer. First, it is most important to have this idea. I did not know this idea before, but I realized it by reading many cancer related books. You can read about 50 books about cancer. Then you will have a similar idea to me. If you read more than 100 books as well as 50 books, it will be much more helpful to you.



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