Stress management method - Cortisol level test

Stress management method - Cotisol lever test

People living in developed areas have many people sick. I am now in my 40s. I also have a deficiency in the body, not completely normal. I have had sick symptoms since my teenage years. I have rhinitis, insomnia, chronic fatigue in my childhood, and intermittent headache and chest pain in my 30s, but I do not have any pain or discomfort right now in my 40s. I think that I am not normal when I manage my body well. But what about other people who do not manage their bodies and leave their bodies to luck? They live without measures. Then, when they get a serious disease, they say, "Why did I get a disease that I can not afford?" They blame the world. So I want to keep one of those people healthy and write a healthy story steadily.

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I am only dealing with the diseases I have experienced and my research. I hope that my story will help you at the right time. Today I want to talk about health about stress. Stress is the first cause of the disease in modern people. I have not understood how stress is the cause of illness in the past. But as I studied stress, I knew that stress was the cause of the disease. Stress is invisible and many people live without seriously thinking about it. But if you think about what the stress is a little more directly, you will know what the stress is.

  Do you know that there is a hormone related to stress? It is called cortisol hormone. If you are over stressed, take a cortisol level test.

Think of someone who gets instructions from his boss at work? If a subordinate is directed by a supervisor or a boss, the subordinate must accept it without any objection. He must do any hard work. He has to finish his work within the time limit, even if he has the night. This is stress. If this happens continuously, the employee gets stressed and can not control himself. Doctors tell people not to be stressed, but they can not get less stressed or not because they think they will not be stressed. Do not they say the wrong words to the common people?

I have mentioned an example of a stressed employee at work, but you know very well that not only these employees are stressed. All the employees at the company are under stress. I can not help but bear the stress that a person with power over me is giving me. However, if I continue to suffer stress that I can not cope with, my body begins to suffer serious suffering. For example, if you continually apply some force to the iron, the iron breaks. Stress is the power to break and break even the strongest metal. However, human beings are constantly under stress and they will not be able to stay well forever. Humans are much weaker than iron. If you constantly stress with constant intensity, there is nothing can endure forever.So we need to know how to manage stress. Stress must be coped with proper management.

I've been thinking briefly about stress, and I'll go into more detail on what stress is and think about how to manage it. If you live without thinking, you can not respond. We need standards to live a healthy life. Standards are a guide to directions and how to act. When you build a house or make things, you need a blueprint. There must be equally appropriate standards for living the same as this concept. Can a proper standard in life be called the wisdom of living the world? While many people live without clear standards in their lives, they think that if they have a manual on how to behave according to the way of life or situation, they will be able to live a little more by protecting themselves. I have thought about this, so I want to create a way to live without losing my health and a concrete guide for living a healthier life. As I have thought, I would like you to make your own standards of living.

There may be some criteria that will help you manage your stress. This criterion will depend on the recipient. Someone who is active can write standards for life and behavior.

I talked with my brother about a month ago, and he told me that he had been exhausted for several years because he was under extreme stress. He was under extreme stress and thought that he would suffer a great deal of pain, so he took care of himself, but eventually his teeth fell out. Maybe he would not have lost teeth if he had done a cortisol level check before he lost his teeth. 

When you are stressed, you have to release the stress in time. If you can not relieve stress, the stress is constantly harming your body. So you need a way to manage your stress. Stress is not just harmful to humans. It is stressful because it is necessary for survival. In the old days before the world developed, it was impossible to survive if there was no stress to the human being. Stress is not limited to humans. Wild animals must live under stress. Stress requires that you take the power out of danger and survive.

So human beings live in the wild, so if they meet beasts like tigers or bears, they have to exert momentary power to avoid that danger. At this time, stress can be exerted on the whole body. You must use the power to fight against or to escape danger. At this moment, the power to exert momentary superhuman strength is the adrenal cortex hormone secreted from the small organ called adrenal gland attached to the upper part of the kidney. The name of this hormone is called Cortisol. Cortisol is a kind of stress hormone. It is a hormone that causes cortisol to secrete and instantaneously emerge when you encounter a dangerous situation.

But, in modern life, when you meet a boss of a company, when you have a lot of work, or when things go wrong, when you get scammed, It is said that it is the same situation. However, the difference between modern people and old people is that the mentally difficult situation is not over. The situation of the old people is relieved from the dangerous situation, relieving the tension from the stress while the modern people do not relieve the stress and last for a long time.This is the beginning of the disease state. So if you do cortisol level test and chek how it is being secreted, it will help you deal with the stress.

This situation is the continuing secretion of stress hormone cortisol in the adrenal cortex. Cortisol is a powerful hormone that responds when the body is in danger. The emergency response system. When the stress hormone is released, breathing shortens, the heart rushes fast, and blood pressure rises. And the glucose and blood cells that are ready in the storage warehouse will get into the blood vessels quickly.

The strength of our ability to work during the day is due to the secretion of the stress hormone cortisol. So it's a hormone that gives energy to the human body. Cortisol hormones have different secretions throughout the day. If the person's health is normal, he will get up in the morning and the cortisol secretion will increase and the mind will clear up. During the day, cortisol is secreted enough to work, and during the evening, the cortisol secretion gradually diminishes in the evening, and at the time of sleep should be the least secreted state. If you do not lose cortisol secretion when you sleep, you will get insomnia.

But when the stressful situation disappears, our body becomes calm. Conversely, if the cause of the stress does not disappear, our body will continue to be stressed. We are constantly nervous. So the stress outbreak and the biorhythmic situation of our body are closely related to each other. However, we can not wait until the environment surrounding us changes. We must have the ability to control stress hormones in our daily lives. You should not let cortisol come out all the time. This ability is a stress management method. The situation in which Cortisol continues to be secreted is the same situation that continues to be stressed. Then the body continues to be in an emergency state. How inconvenient is it to be always nervous?

If this situation persists, it will cause diabetes, depression, anti-insulin status, autoimmune disease, cancer. Autoimmune disease is a disease in which the immune system of the body attacks the cells of the body to cause scarring and inflammation. Rheumatoid arthritis, nephropathy, Crohn's disease, Parkinson's disease, and atopic dermatitis are typical examples. These unknown diseases were associated with chronic cortisol secretion. It is said that it causes inflammation in blood vessels and causes vascular diseases. Then we can produce a situation opposite to the situation in which cortisol is secreted. It is not a situation where you meet wild beasts in the wild life, nor a situation where you do not fight in the war, and you do not have to keep tension anyway. This means that if you switch to a situation where you relax your body and bring about calmness, it will be a solution. This method is easy to say, but it is actually difficult. So the attitude of our life is important. It is necessary to maintain a flexible mind, not a rigid attitude.

And I need to forgive someone who makes mistakes or annoys me. The hating mind itself is stressful and associated with cortisol hormone secretion, but maintaining a forgiving and flexible mind causes secretion of oxytocin happy hormones.

Smile intentionally. If you smile, your tension will be solved. Continued cortisol secretion will be reversed to stop cortisol secretion. It is a good idea to have a laughable and pleasant conversation with your family. Experts say to laugh even in difficult situations. When you laugh, the situation that you are in a bad mood turns into a pleasant situation for a moment. We laugh to deceive the brain. So laughing out loud will be the most powerful natural remedy that protects ourselves.

I recommend meditation as another stress management method. But I recommend something better than meditation. Prayer. Meditation and prayer are similar but different. Meditation is likened to abandoning the waste that I had in me, but it is a way to abandon prayer and gain new strength.

And there is a law of nature that I always emphasize. It is to live our life according to the order of nature. Living according to the natural order is to go to bed in time. The cortisol secretion is the lowest at 10 o'clock in the evening and is produced during sleep and stored in the adrenal glands. Sleeping at the right time is best for a healthy life. On the other hand, eat good quality food from nature. The most important thing in food is that it contains minerals normally and you should eat enough food containing natural remedies such as vitamins. If you eat only processed food containing instant food or synthetic chemical seasonings, the balance of cortisol secretion may be disrupted. In fact, many people I know have overcome chronic stress symptoms by eating natural foods from the ground.

The stress management method is complicated, but it can be simple. Always treat the disease and uncomfortable symptoms of the human body is to eat minerals and vitamins. Eating plenty of live food is a cure. Even without complicated calculations, various vegetables contain the proper amount of nutrients needed for our bodies.


  1. My husband was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's disease at 57.his symptoms were shuffling of feet,slurred speech, low volume speech, degradation of handwriting, horrible driving skills, right arm held at 45 degree angle, things were tough for me, but now he finally free from the disease with the help of Dr Akhigbe herbal home, he now walks properly and all symptoms has reversed, he had trouble with balance especially at night, getting into the shower and exciting it is difficult,getting into bed is also another thing he finds impossible.we had to find a better solution for his condition which has really helped him a lot,the biggest helped we had was the Dr Akhigbe herbal home he walked us through the proper steps,am highly recommended this    He also cures other diseases with his natural herbal remedy. he cured diseases like
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  2. I was diagnosed a couple of years ago with COPD and I was beyond scared! My lung function test indicated 49% capacity. After having had the flu a year ago, the shortness of breath, coughing and chest pains continued even after being treated with antibiotics. I've been smoking two packs a day for 36 years. Being born without a sternum caused my ribs to be curled in just one inch away from my spine, resulting in underdeveloped lungs. At age 34 I had surgery and it was fixed. Unfortunately my smoking just caused more damage to my already under developed lungs. The problem was that I enjoyed smoking and don't want to give up! Have tried twice before and nearly went crazy and don't want to go through that again. I saw the fear in my husband and children's eyes when I told them about my condition then they started to find a solution on their own to help my condition.I  diagnosed with this COPD emphysema which I know was from my years of smoking. I started smoking in school when smoking was socially acceptable.. It was not known then how dangerous cigarettes were for us, and it seemed everybody smoked it. On searching, internet my husband saw a testimony of a brother, Nathaniel, how he was also cured of COPD lungs. By a herbalist doctor Akhigbe with his herbal medicine and the brother also wrote the doctor contact on the testimony. We contacted the doctor I was writing to and my husband was writing to him too. The doctor told us what to do and the next week I received the herbal medicine. It was really unbelievable after I finished the medicine. Dr Akhigbe herbal medicine is supernatural, that is how I was able to get rid of my COPD lung condition through the help of  Dr Akhigbe with his  herbal medicine cure. Here is his email   [}   He has the right herbal formula to help you get rid and repair any lung conditions and other diseases, his medicine will cure you completely and permanently with his natural organic herbs,We received the medicine through courier delivery service. I wish anybody who starts smoking at a young age would realize what will eventually happen to their bodies if they continue that vile habit throughout their life. It's a lesson I learned and never to forget in my life now I promise my God myself and my family never to smoke again.. All thanks to doctor  Akhigbe, the real herbalist doctor with natural herbs who have cured different people with their different problems.
    God bless you Dr Akhigbe for your good hand work on my life.


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