Chronic constipation treatment without the laxative. Lactobacillus supplement will cure you!

Chronic constipation treatment without the laxative. Lactobacillus supplement will cure you! This article is about constipation. Modern people say there are too many people with constipation. I don't know the exact number of people who have constipation in the population. But most people can not easily shit. I will write about the causes of constipation and the limits of treatment in the hospital. And I will write what happens if you get constipated and I'll write about how you can perfectly treat your constipation without having to take the medicine. From my wxperience, you may find it easier to understand constipation. Now my condition is the best. There are no constipation and no other diseases. And the discomfort that I had until recently is gradually decreasing. I used to have constipation in the past. Of course, it was so bad that I could not shit for a week, but I had to go to the bathroom and sit on the toilet for a long time. And even though I sat for a long tim

Treat your cancer without surgery! The natural cancer treatment center is you

Treat your cancer without surgery! The natural cancer treatment center is you. Let me know you how to cure your cancer completely without surgery.... Nowadays, there are a lot of cancer patients. In the 1960s and 1970s, there were few cancer patients. There were few people with diabetes. But now there are a lot of cancer patients, diabetics, hypertension patients in the hospital room. There have been a lot of illnesses that have not been much before. It took about 30 to 40 years for refractory chronic diseases to increase in number? Maybe it was faster than that. Why are there so many people in these sicknesses now? There are many reasons for this. Now the environment is too hard to live. People have to work overtime and do a lot of work. They are under a lot of stress.  And environmental pollution is severe. Car fumes pollute the atmosphere, and there are a lot of foods that we should not eat. Too much chemical additives in food. This kind of food should not actually be ea

Doctors and the public think differently about arthritis - your chronic arthritis is treatable -

Doctors and the public think differently about arthritis - your chronic arthritis is treatable - What is arthritis? A joint is where two or more bones meet, connecting the ends of the bones that make up the joint, that is, the soft, flimsy cartilage between the bones and the bone that is not hard. The human body consists of many joints and can move smoothly. Joints are formed appropriately for each part needed for movement. You can see God's perfect workmanship by looking at the joints of the human body. What if the hard bones and bones meet and move? If a rigid object touches and moves, it will wear out due to friction. So, there is smooth cartilage between bone and bone, so that it can move without friction. The cartilage is piled up with fibers called synovial membranes, and secretes synovial fluid from the synovial membrane, allowing the joints to move smoothly. The inflammation of the cartilage is called arthritis. If you have a joint that moves when you move, it

You can treat any disease yourself without surgery. - Learning how to cure diseases -

You can treat any disease yourself without surgery. - Learning how to cure diseases - There are many examples of diseases that can not be cured. Like diseases which rhinitis, obesity, diabetes and cancer are not treated, each disease is surprisingly not treated in the hospital. If a relatively simple illness is not cured, the discomfort will persist but not the loss of life. However, cancer, diabetes, and hypertension are different levels. If you do not get treated after cancer surgery, you can die. The patient loses his life even if he pays money to the hospital. So, from the beginning of the treatment of the disease, the cause illness must be clearly diagnosed and thoroughly planned and treated. I studied natural healing to protect myself because doctors did not teach me the cause of my disease. At first I had no knowledge of the body, so it was difficult to understand the contents of the disease and the treatment. However, as I continued to study health gradually,

I'll tell you Why you should treat yourself.

I'll tell you Why you should treat yourself. It is really possible for you to treat your illness on your own. Modern humans are a bit sick, but they go to the hospital and meet a doctor to get advice from a doctor, but you do not have to listen to the doctor 's advice. Because the therapeutic power inherent in your body is more powerful than you might imagine. Everyone's body protects itself and reacts to survival when a disease or problem occurs. The reaction appears to be a disease. We humans are choosing the wrong way to cure disease. When the body is sick, everyone thinks that there is a problem with the sick part. Doctors try to treat only the problems of the patient's sick part. When the patient is treated at the hospital, the effect is only briefly, but sooner or later it becomes uncomfortable again. I had sinusitis when I was a child. Sinusitis is a nasal obstruction disease. I always felt frustrated because my nose was blocked. When my mother took me to t

People who study cancer by themselves and treat it naturally

People who study cancer by themselves and treat it naturally I am not a doctor, but I am knowledgeable about the disease. I do not know that knowledge as much as doctors. The professor who knows the most about disease and health is a doctor. There is no desire to win the doctor about health. I am an ordinary person. No matter how hard I study, it is not worth comparing with a doctor. Even so, I am interested in medicine and am studying medicine for a while. So I know a lot of medical information than the general public. I know a lot of medical information, but I'm not trying to pretend. I've been studying to protect myself. It was only after my father's death that I started to study medicine like illness and health in earnest. Before that, I was curious about my body and sickness, and I was interested in reading books about health sometimes. My father died of lung cancer. Originally, my father drank a lot of alcohol and smoked a lot of cigarettes. But the other reas

The Best Way to Prevent Liver Cancer - Liver Detox, Liver Cleanse

The Best Way to Prevent Liver Cancer - Liver Detox, Liver Cleanse I will tell you about the health of someone I know. He was not in good health. But nowadays, he says that his condition is the best. He used to say that his back hurts every day and his stairs did not go up and down well. In a few months, the situation of the body has changed completely. About two months ago he said he had cleaned his liver. Cleaning the liver is easier said than done. I heard the story of cleaning the liver, but I first heard about the person who experienced the cleaning of the liver. The liver is the most chemical treatment facility in our body. It is a liver that serves to neutralize many kinds of poisons. These days people are poisoned almost every day, so they are said to be abusive. In fact, there are a lot of people who can not handle the poison. Especially doctors say that people who drank alcohol frequently have a dangerous situation. Not only drinking, but also children often eat food with