What is active oxygen, the cause of aging. Antioxidant is the only solution

What is active oxygen? the cause of aging. The antioxidant is the only solution!

How do health professionals explain antioxidants?
Antioxidants are words that are directly related to oxygen.
Oxygen has two characteristics.

Oxygen is an indispensable life support material for our human being. Without oxygen, animals cannot survive.

All animals, including humans, ingest nutrients from nature and produce energy with oxygen in the cells. Oxygen is an energy source that an animal needs to move and be a life-sustaining fuel.
So, the cells that make up the human body are the human body itself and the energy generating plant. If people live with this concept of cells, they will be able to live a little healthier life. Insights on cells will be covered in more detail in other articles.

If there is no oxygen in the world, almost all living things on earth, as well as humans, will disappear.

Oxygen is an energy source for all living things.

In this sense, oxygen is very beneficial to us, but it is converted to active oxygen, which causes disease, promotes aging, and even kills life.

If you look at the following actions of oxygen in the air, you can easily understand the risks of oxygen.

[Concept of Oxidation]

The metal rusts. The rubber loses elasticity. Butter and cooking oil change. Peeled apples discolor. So why does oxygen, which is absolutely necessary for humans, act as a poison?

Scientists claim that the first microbes on Earth could live without oxygen at first. I do not know if this is true or fictional. I do not understand earth history in this way, but in general, experts use this theory to explain the concept of oxygen toxicity, cell structure, or cell energy production.

Oxygen is a substance that interferes with the survival of microorganisms living in the early days of Earth.

After a long time, there was a plant that uses solar light to make energy, and this plant began to spew oxygen. It is the opposite phenomenon that humans are inhaling oxygen and spewing out carbon dioxide. As the plant speweth more and more oxygen, the microorganisms that grow well without oxygen are presumed to have been extinct by harming the oxygen poison.

After that, microorganisms using oxygen started to appear.

Microorganisms that survive when oxygen is present are called aerobic microorganisms, and microorganisms that live without oxygen are called anaerobic microorganisms.

As the atmosphere of oxygen surrounds the earth, these aerobic microorganisms spread to the earth.

On the other hand, anaerobic microorganisms have almost disappeared from the Earth 's atmosphere and have been able to maintain their lives in the deep ground, in the oceans, or in human intestines that are out of the air.
Oxygen is an element that is absolutely necessary to make energy for human survival and activity, but it is also a toxic substance.

The evidence is that if you leave the food in the air, it gets worse and worse. Meat and fish are spoiled in real time when exposed to oxygen. It is said to be caused by the oxidative action of oxygen when it is left at room temperature for one day and it is decayed so that it can not be eaten. This is a phenomenon called oxidation. Eating the oxidized food means putting the oxide into the body. Understanding this concept of oxidation precisely can reveal that we are only at risk of being breathing.
The phenomenon of rusting when the iron is exposed in air and the aging of our body as we age are the same phenomenon.

These antioxidants are substances that interfere with oxidation, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin E. This concept is very important for our health. If you leave the precious iron parts in the air, it will rust and cannot be used. You may have seen oil on the surface of the iron to prevent the iron parts from rusting. If you put oil like grease on the surface of the iron, iron will not rust. Antioxidants have the same effect as oiling all cell surfaces of our body and preventing them from rusting. It prevents rust from rusting by the direct contact of the surface with toxic oxygen.

Everything in nature is ultimately oxidized and collapsed.

Humans cannot be exceptions. If the gene rusts like a metal, it will not function properly, and if it happens to people, and if the human body's genes are rusted, they will die. Therefore, all of the bad phenomena that occur in nature can be said to be excessive oxidation phenomena.
Oxygen oxidizes carbohydrates in the body to produce energy, but a part of oxygen turns into active oxygen, and at the same time, biocomponents (all cells) are oxidized.

When a lot of active oxygen and free radical which react with biomolecule react and oxidize, the function and structure of the living body are destroyed, and various physiological functional disorders are caused.

Active oxygen is a name that is abbreviated as reactive oxygen species (ROS), which includes various peroxides. A representative example of reactive oxygen species is a radical type of radical called "superoxide" (O2-; superoxide), which is a more oxidizing species than oxygen.

 Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), the hydroxyl group (OH), alkyl peroxide, and halogen compounds with high oxidizing power are all classified as active oxygen. Excess oxides react with free ions such as iron or copper in vivo or react with nitrogen monoxide to produce radicals that are much more reactive. Hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl groups are more reactive than excess oxides, which directly affects the human body.

So far, degenerative diseases such as arteriosclerosis, malignant tumors, arthritis, and aging of the human body have been found to be closely related to active oxygen. However, the human body is prepared for these problems.

In the human body, active oxygen is removed by enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione. Vitamin C and E, which are absorbed through foods, also play a major role in removing active oxygen. However, these enzymes gradually decrease as humans become older or the environment becomes worse (especially chemical fertilizer, pesticide use, etc.), and the immunity of the body is lowered so that the human becomes weaker and senile.

Antioxidant refers to the inhibition or removal of active oxygen (O2-, H2O2, OH, etc.). Antioxidants are substances that have many properties that neutralize this toxicity. There are many plants that have antioxidant power around us, such as spices such as mugwort, green tea, herb, pepper, garlic, and persimmon, as well as traditional medicines such as ginseng, licorice,

Recently, various vitamins and antioxidant-added foods have been developed and marketed. About 3 to 10 percent of the oxygen that the mammals breathe is said to be converted to toxic active oxygen or free radicals. Current environmental pollutants and various toxic substances have the characteristic of promoting the generation of these free radicals. Therefore, inhibiting the production of free radicals and free radicals is an indispensable condition for maintaining a healthy life.

 All organisms have an antioxidant defense system to eliminate excess free radicals. The function of these antioxidant defense systems is to inhibit the production of active oxygen and to be resistant to oxidative stress and to maintain their own health. When these antioxidant defenses do not work well, various obstacles and diseases will occur. Therefore, how to increase the ability of the antioxidant defense system is the key to maintaining good health.

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