라벨이 cause of flu인 게시물 표시

Cause of catch a flu or a cold (3), treatment flu natural without drug.

Cause of catch the flu or a cold (3), treatment flu natural without a drug. I am writing about the flu and cold. There is a fact that we learned new things while writing about colds, which means that there is a lot of information we need to know about colds. But most people do not know about cold or the flu. Colds and flu are very closely related to our human life. It is a disease that does not go well even if you want to take it off. It's unbelievable that our common people do not know much about colds, given that they get a cold at least once a year. That would mean that people are not interested in the disease. And since there are many doctors and pharmacists near ours, it seems that they are not interested in the disease because they can see the doctor if they get out of the house immediately when the body starts to get sick. If we go to a hospital if we get a cold or flu, it's true that a doctor treats us, but what if we learn a little more about the cold? The ca...